I would like to thank everyone who has committed to praying for me over the summer while I am ministering in Vilcas Huaman Peru.
I will be leaving for Peru on May 25th, and will be returning on August 2nd (68 days).
There are about 40-50 other college aged students who will be working in small teams sharing the gospel in the different Regions of Peru.
The first 5 days in Peru, we will be going through training outside of Lima the Capital city. After training, I will be meeting up with my teammates, and members of Country Acres Baptist Church to take a long bus ride to Vilcas Huaman. I will have the privelege to prayer walk, share the gospel, and fellowship along side Pastor Michael Savage, Jordan, and many youth from Country Acres Baptist for a week. Hopefully they will help "show me the ropes".
All of the summer missionaries will be traveling back to Lima halfway through the summer for a break to share our experiences and encourage each other.
First I'd like to ask that you pray that God would continue working in the hearts of the people in the Vilcas Huaman region. Pray that we would be able to continue ministering to those who have already heard the gospel and are open to the Word of God.
Pray for the health and safety of all the summer missionaries serving across Peru, that we will be well and able to share the Gospel.
Pray that we will not be putting on our own show, but that we will rely on the Holy Spirit who can convict people of sin and turn them to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Pray that we will not be ashamed of sharing our faith in Christ. Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes..."
Pray for unity so that all of us will work together well and keep our focus on the faith we have in Jesus.
Pray for us, that the way we live and act will be a good representation of the Christian life so that there is not a contradiction between the message of the gospel and our actions.
Pray for me that I will be spending time with God in prayer and the Bible study daily.
I know many times that I have read blogs and not commented on them. I urge you to post something so that I can be encouraged by your words. Also feel free to post anything that God is doing in your life so that I can rejoice with you.