Monday, June 15, 2009

We´ll be out tomorrow.

Tomorrow Gerica should get her swine flu results back from Lima, and they will be positive and we will be able to go back to the hotel La Fortaleza and take hot showers, and not get woken up at 5:30 am by the medic who bleaches the floors.

News about Gerica has spread throughout the town. They announced over the loudspeaker in the plaza that the Gringos are sick possibly with swine flu. We know that this can create a barrier between us and the people.

Thankfully the ¨Barnabas" or encouragement team arrived yesterday and have done an excellent job of keeping our spirits up, and helping us focus on the task at hand: forming relationships to share the gospel to let the holy spirt save.

Ryan the journeyman leader of the Barnabas team is a great guy who loves the lord and has already began changing my perspective of life in Vilcas Huaman.

Ryan and Greg said they felt some spiritual evil in the town last night when Greg was praying he felt choked, the negative comments over the loudspeaker that we have swine flu, and the reaction of the doctors to us leaving to go eat.

Be praying that God will use us to overcome Satan in Vilcas Huaman, and that we will be even more intentional when we buy water or food to take extra time and talk with the people, so that they may see the love of Christ in us and that we may have an opportunity to study the Bible with them and share the Gospel.

Pray for me that I will not rely on my own strengths (what little I have), but that I will trust in God and the moving of his holy spirit.

Also please email/call David Wolfe to let him and my sunday school class know of this blog:

Also call Michael savage ASAP and tell him to shoot me an email to let me know what other villages he wants us to visit, when, and also any contacts in those villages.

To God be the glory.

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