Wednesday, June 17, 2009


They just let Gerica out today because today was the last day of her tamiflu medication, even though they still don´t have the results. (She just threw away the rest because it was making her sick. After the doctors receive the results, they will be announcing over the radio that none of us have the swine flu so that the people in Vilcas Huaman won´t be afraid of us.

She is very happy to be out to say the least.

SHOUT OUT TO THE BARNABA TEAM: Ryan, Greg, and Janell! Sadly tomorrow will be the last day that the barnabas team is here in Vilcas Huaman. They have been great encouragement during Gerica´s boring stay at the hospital without running water or a shower, which she was able to get back at the hotel this morning.

It has been 5 days since we´ve been able to do a Bible study with Virginia´s family, so pray that we will be able to continue daily Bible studies again.

Also pray that we might be able to study the Bible with Hector. He is the really cool special force police officer who is a believer. We want to be able to have a Bible study with him, but he is always busy guarding the bank, or doing police work. He has to work from 7 am to sometimes 2 in the morning.

Pray for Gloria, one of the nicest ladies and an amazing chef. She is not a believer and had bad experiences in her youth with hypocritical church people. Pray that we get to know her and her son Jefferson (22) even better and that the Holy Spirit will soften her heart.

Again I haven´t gotten any responce from Michael Savage about the other village near Vilcas. Give him a call and have him email me ASAP.

To Him be the glory forever and ever.


  1. mark,

    sorry we have not been in contact. i was not sure where your blog was hosted so i had no idea how to get here.

    we are praying for gerica. the two main villages that we would like for you to visit are carhuanca and huambalpa. keep in mind that there may not be places to stay overnight in these villages.

    praying all is well...

    in Christ,


  2. Hey, glad to hear you are feeling better. Call me crazy, but I am going to take another class this summer. Maybe we can talk on facebook soon. I know you have been so busy. Me too. I got all of my nursing stuff and renewed my driver's license.

    With continued prayers,

  3. Mark,
    We pray in the name of JESUS that Satan and his angels would be bound, that the spiritual warfare that has been taking place would cease. That hearts would be prepared to hear the Word of God, that God would strengthen and prepare those that are to minister, that the Truth of the Gospel would be spoken, the Love of Christ shown, felt, and seen by both beleiver and unbeleiver, that everyone in the village and beyond would see and know that God is at work. May the compassion of Christ dwell in the beleivers hearts, show on their faces, be felt in those around them, breakdown the walls that have been built in up, and that most of all that ALL would come to glorify God's only Son for the Love He has demonstrated to all.

    We will contact David Wolfe and get the blog site to your class. Please continue to keep us posted so we will know more specifics to pray about.

  4. Become a follower of my blog. It's
